“过去的18 个月对于Silverstream来说是一段激动人心的时期。我们的团队,技术以及客户订单都在经历高速发展,其中最重要的莫过于与地中海航运公司MSC 签订的大额订单。”
Silverstream首席执行官兼创始人诺亚·西尔伯施密特(Noah Silberschmidt)在接受欧洲海事贸易出版物 Bunkerspot 采访时表达了对于未来发展的积极态度和期待。
得益于专利空气润滑技术--Silverstream® 系统在客户端所建立起的的良好口碑,以及监管政策和市场因素加持,Silverstream近期获得了超过 70 份订单,客户包括了马士基、地中海航运公司、壳牌集团、 嘉年华集团、格里马尔迪、淡水河谷等众多航运业领导者。
在采访中,诺亚指出:“预计到 2025 年,Silverstream®系统的安装量将达到500套。这意味着我们明年需要新增100套订单,并于2024/2025 年增加到每年 150套左右。”
众所周知,航运业必须在短期内找到满足国际海事组织IMO颁布的,即将于 2023 年生效的船舶能效指数(EEXI)和碳强度指标(CII)的应对方案。
他说到,“Siliversteam®系统的所有部件都来自世界知名的设备制造商。我们与阿特拉斯·科普柯(Atlas Copco)合作开发自动化系统,并与瓦锡兰(Wärtsilä)签订了服务和许可协议。强大的服务网络意味着我们的客户在世界任何地方,都可以使用遍布全球的5,500 名瓦锡兰服务工程师所提供的优质技术服务。”
“我们与包括DNV、劳氏船级社、RINA、韩国船级社和 ABS在内的众多全球闻名行业领导者协作,共同探索最优秀的船舶效率解决方案。”
Silverstream有志于开拓更广阔的市场,并在全球寻找更多志同道合的合作伙伴,与Silverstream® 系统一起,共同解锁提高船舶效率的密码。获取更多信息,敬请联系:
Silverstream Technologies上海总经理
Andrew Starforth
“It has been an exciting period for Silverstream over the last 12-18 months because we have been able to expand very rapidly – the team, the technology, the orderbook – and now we have this massive order with MSC.”
The sentiment from our CEO and Founder Noah Silberschmidt, when speaking to European maritime trade publication Bunkerspot, was one of positivity and anticipation for the future.
Combining regulatory and market factors, coupled with the growing reputation of our proven propriety air lubrication technology, the Silverstream® System, has meant we’ve recently passed the 70-contract mark, including deals with major players such as Maersk, MSC, Shell, Carnival, Grimaldi, Vale and more.
During the interview, Noah pointed out that Silverstream is “expecting to have 500 installations by around 2025, so that means that we should really raise about 100 next year in new orders, and then in 2024/2025 go up to about 150 a year.”
Speaking on the next few years, Noah said that our orders would stem from “a mixture of newbuilds and retrofits. We very much see that the only way that certain vessel types will be able to work in the future as they do today is if they employ energy efficiency technology like our system.”
It’s well understood that the shipping industry must find means in the near term to meet the IMO’s Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which will come into effect in 2023.
With low and zero carbon fuels set to be under development for years to come, and with the reality that tactics such as slow steaming fail to address the underlying aim of improving design efficiency, enhancing vessel efficiency with fuel-agnostic, future-proof and effective technologies will become a commercial imperative.
Noah ended the interview by talking a little about the process we’ve taken to get to this point, including thoughts on how we’ve been able to develop our supply chain.
“All the equipment that goes on a vessel is from world-renowned equipment manufacturers. We work with Atlas Copco on our automation system, and we have a servicing and licensing agreement with Wärtsilä, which means that anywhere we are in the world we can use its technical network of service engineers, which numbers about 5,500 globally.”
“We work with other companies that are very strong brands so that together we always try to develop the best solutions – that is also why we work with DNV, Lloyd’s Register, RINA, Korean Register and ABS.”
It’s that strong foundation we are excited to continue to scale from as we work with more owners and operators to install our technology across the global fleet. If you are interested in learning more about how the Silverstream® System can increase your vessel or fleet efficiency,
Please contact:
Andrew Starforth, General Manager Shanghai, Silverstream Technologies
Email: andrew.starforth@silverstream-tech.com