Technology Solution


14th April 2022

空气润滑技术领导者Silverstream Technologies在上海陆家嘴金融贸易区已成功开设国内第一家分公司,我们诚邀业内杰出人才加入,共同实现航运脱碳的伟大远景。

After opening its first China office in Shanghai’s Lujiazui Financial district (see video), the air lubrication technology leader Silverstream is currently assembling a team of China’s brightest maritime specialists.

在招职位 | Position

  • Regional Lead Marine Engineer
  • Marine Engineer
  • Control and Automation Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Supplier Quality Engineer 

*A high level of English language skills is necessary for all positions

 01 Regional Lead Marine Engineer

The Regional Lead Marine Engineer provides subject matter expertise to Silverstream in the context of mechanical components and piping systems that are integral to the functioning of the Air Lubrication Systems (ALS). He or she will lead and assist in projects aimed at the development of system designs associated with vessels that are first of Class in respect to installation of ALS.

02 Marine Engineer

The Marine Engineer reports to the Lead Marine Engineer and will be involved in a wide range of activities from overseeing the specification of components and their interface at ship to assisting with managing the technical relationship with key OEMs, chief amongst which are compressor manufacturers.

03 Control and Automation Engineer

The Control and Automation Engineer will be involved in developing and maintaining the core control and automation solution, applying it to projects and supporting the in-service fleet. Her or she will also provide technical input to the strategic supply chain plans being implemented by the company.

04 Structural Engineer

The Structural Engineer focuses on structural design as well as the fabrication and integration of the Silverstream Air Lubrication System. The Structural Engineer will support the design and fabrication process associated with the key structural components of the Silverstream system (Air Release Units - ARUs), including devising means of simplifying the structural integration at ship.

05 Supplier Quality Engineer

The Supplier Quality Engineer reports directly to the China General Manager. The role will be primarily responsible for ensuring that supplied product quality meets contractual and customer requirements, by ensuring effective quality oversight, problem resolution and continues improvement programs.


Interested to join the Silverstream expert team? Get in touch to learn more about the roles and send your application.

Silverstream Technologies

上海总经理 General Manager Shanghai

Andrew Starforth


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